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Wow what another amazing month we have had ! so many amazing things have happened we would firstly like to welcome our newest member of the kiddywinks family Lexi. Lexi is based in the lounge and already has had some amazing opportunities happening for all you children to discover and enjoy.

The garden has been the centre of a lot of our children's play with them enjoying our new creative stage at the bottom of the garden. If you have not yet seen it please come and have a look at the amazing work that is being produced using all those fantastic natural resources. We have been making new small worlds and discovered some REAL fairies in the garden, we even made our own worlds for them to enjoy.

We have loved adventuring out into Barnstaple looking in the woods, enjoying the library and the museum and having fun up at the school .

There are a few budding archaeologist ,discovering buried treasure in our garden and sand pit ...possibly from hundreds of years ago, who knows !??

There are far to many things to write about so please have look through our lovely photos and see for yourself what experiences all of your amazing children's imaginations have created.

"If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder ... he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in ." - Rachel Carson's The sense of Wonder

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