Health and Safety
The law requires that ultimate responsibility for health and safety rests with the highest level of management. Kiddywinks work alongside the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
The management of Kiddywinks are responsible for the implementation of this policy they will:-
Ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees and customers.
Ensure there is an effective overall policy for health, safety and welfare of staff and customers, inside the building and when on visits and outings.
Actively promote a positive ‘health and safety culture’, by setting an example to others in all health and safety matters, at all times.
The practice policy states that children with infectious diseases/conditions should not attend the setting until the condition has disappeared in line with the NHS guidance.
Ensure that suitable and sufficient assessments of the risks to employees and customers are made, recording the significant findings of the assessments.
Ensure that all staff/ volunteers and visitors receive adequate training, to enable them to cooperate in carrying out the policy and understand their own duties under the act. Training will cover the purpose of ‘risk assessment’ and, the need for and how to apply ‘safe working practices’, ‘permit to work’ systems, etc.
Take positive action when it can be demonstrated that health and safety rules have been broken. Disciplinary procedures should be considered in all cases.
Ensure that adequate first aid facilities and training are available to all staff.
Evaluate all reported hazards, accidents, incidents and reported ill-health involving work activity, where they involve injury, health risks, loss or damage to Kiddywinks property, and risks to the public, ensuring that the findings are taken into account in revising the relevant risk assessment.
Take all proper steps to ensure that no one else is exposed to risks to their health and safety, arising from any activity of Kiddywinks.
Ensure that there is adequate staffing, finance and resources to meet the health, safety and welfare plan.
Ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is reviewed at least every three years, sooner if there is a need, due to changes in law, guidance or activity.
Ensure there is appropriate liability insurance.
Review at least annually the implementation of the policy and agree an annual action plan.
Ensure that an accident form is completed every time an accident occurs, which can be evaluated. Any findings will be used to strengthen the risk control system, where necessary.
Ensure that all legislation is followed with regard to fire, fire certificates, fire training and practice evaluations.
Request to see public liability insurance form contactors such as window cleaners and the gardener.​
Each employee has duty to cooperate in the operation of this policy:-
Taking care for their own health and safety, and that of others, who may be affected by what they do or don’t do;
Cooperating with Kiddywinks to allow it to comply with any legal duty or requirement placed on it, or another person;
Disciplinary action will be considered whenever there is a breach of health and safety policy or safe working practices;
To read and understand all policies and risk assessments.
The health and safety of employees and customers is paramount to the management of Kiddywinks. The policy will be reviewed regularly and is by no means exhaustive.